bryn booth
Actor & Writer
About Bryn
Bryn Booth is a Tucson-based professional actor who is also skilled in writing, stage combat, dancing, and singing. She is a member of the resident acting ensemble of the Rogue Theatre where she has built her resume with powerful and versatile roles. Bryn has been seen in many theatres across Tucson including the Scoundrel and Scamp Theatre where she was given the honor of starring in their premiere show.
She has also acted in several independent films including 8,000 Feet Up which won “Best of Arizona” from the Arizona International Film Festival. Its prequel, 10 Feet Down, made a successful debut at the same festival. As Bryn continues to further her career, she is proving that though she is little, she is fierce.
Upcoming Projects & Exciting News
The Rogue Theatre
Love’s Labor’s Lost was received with great aplomb from the Tucson community. Read the AZ Daily Star review here! See what is next in store for Bryn at the Rogue Theatre.
It's Probably Not John
Directed by LL Christensen, It’s Probably Not John premiered at the Arizona International Film Festival. It is currently in review for other festivals around the nation.
10 Feet Down Won Best of Arizona!
Like the first installment of the series, 10 Feet Down took home “Best of Arizona” from the Arizona International Film Festival. It now is making it’s rounds through the festival circuit.